Business Resources

Economic Development

Business Resources

One-Step Ahead

Competitive Advantage

The Chamber cultivates a competitive advantage by building on our unique and existing community assets to attract new investment and support existing businesses.

These place-based assets may include residents and their workforce skills, infrastructure, financial, academic, technical and medical institutions, and cultural, natural and artistic resources.

The Chamber is also a community partner of several other organizations throughout Centre County and works closely with other chambers and economic-development organizations throughout the region to positively impact our economy and enhance the quality of life of everyone in central Pennsylvania.

business resources

Regional Partners

Business Financing

Site Selection

I-99 Innovation Corridor

The corridor comprises Centre, Bedford and Blair Counties and offers a technology-driven economy that leverages a highly educated workforce.

Infrastructure & Utilities

County Broadband Expansion

Counties have been at the forefront of broadband expansion in the commonwealth and are continuing to develop partnerships and creative solutions to provide internet connectivity for their residents, especially in rural areas, and better bandwidth capacity statewide at affordable rates.

explore Centre County economic-development Data

Website’s interactive mapping application provides specific information on land, buildings, infrastructure, utilities, and other key resources.